Settings file configuration for existing AWS account

If you already have an AWS account and you are using some of its services, there are some considerations to follow in order to avoid conflicts or misbehavior when generating a new project using the HOP CLI. When configuring the settings file, double-check the following configuration options:

  • deployment-targetawsaccount

    • stack-name.value: Name for the Cloudformation stack that will prepare your AWS account for running HOP Applications. The account stack name must be unique in your AWS account. Note that you should use the same account stack name for all of your HOP Applications. If the stack with that name exists, it will be used and no new stacks will be created or updated.

    • vpccidr.value: IP block that will be used in your AWS VPC. Make sure to use a AWS VPC CIDR that does not conflict with an existing one in your account.

  • deployment-targetawsproject

    • stack-name.value: Name for the AWS Cloudformation stack that will be used to generate application-wide resources. The project stack name must be unique in your AWS account.

    • vpc

      • subnet-1cidr.value: IP block that will be used in your subnet-1. Make sure the AWS subnet IP CIDR align with the AWS VPC CIDR block and that it does not conflict with other AWS subnets CIDRs.

      • subnet-2cidr.value: IP block that will be used in your subnet-2. Make sure the AWS subnet IP CIDR align with the AWS VPC CIDR block and that it does not conflict with other AWS subnets CIDRs.

  • deployment-targetawsenvironment

    • dev

      • stack-name.value: Name for the AWS Cloudformation stack that will generate application’s environment-specific resources. The environment stack name must be unique in your AWS account.

    • test

      • stack-name.value: Name for the AWS Cloudformation stack that will generate application’s environment-specific resources. The environment stack name must be unique in your AWS account.

      • kmskey-alias.value: Name for the AWS KMS key-alias used to encrypt and decrypt test environment variables stored in AWS SSM Parameter Store. The key-alias name must be unique in your AWS account.

    • prod

      • stack-name.value: Name for the AWS Cloudformation stack that will generate environment-specific application’s resources. The environment stack name must be unique in your AWS account.

      • kmskey-alias.value: Name for the AWS KMS key-alias used to encrypt and decrypt production environment variables stored in AWS SSM Parameter Store. The key-alias name must be unique in your AWS account.


For additional context and information about AWS infrastructure created by the HOP CLI, please refer to the AWS infrastructure reference.